ABOUT Prelude to Indonesia

Warmest welcome and a big thank you for viewing and reading my blog posts!
Through this blog, I wish to share about Indonesia to the world, especially in relation to our language, though I'm pretty sure before long I will go off tangent and start writing about our cultures, cuisines, and other things.
I started this blog because I got inspired by what I did during the second quarter of 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I got laid off from where I was interning and my school also shut down for a bit. Thus, a few of my friend asked me to teach them. As we all are Indonesians, I of course didn't teach them Bahasa Indonesia, but basic Japanese instead.
Nevertheless, this incident got me thinking and this blog is the result of that!
I hope this blog can be of help to you, whether you're trying to learn about Indonesia or just looking for some additional knowledge to read on!
Happy reading and stay safe!
PS: If you have any question or inquiries, or even just looking to chat a bit, feel free to contact me at preludetoindonesia@gmail.com
PPS: I also have a youtube channel named Prelude to Indonesia where I will explain things that is better explained through words (if I have enough motivation to make the video). The quality might not be the best, but I hope it is useful at the very least /(//'/w/'//)/